"Like many new dog owners, my wife and I quickly decided to seek out a dog trainer. What stood out most to us was your positive reinforcement training and your focus on helping pit bulls and their people. Our success with our dog Bella is, in large part, the result of our decision to select Urban Dawgs as our trainers. You gave us all that we needed to know to achieve our training goals –including some extra rewards along the way. Bella came primed with the ability to learn. We humans just needed to understand “how” dogs learn and see the world and then apply the principles -- consistently. Consistency is what we found from Urban Dawgs. We received consistent support and feedback. The training sessions were fun and effective. Your knowledge and experience combined with patience, perseverance, and guidance helped shape our pup into a rock star dog and also made us better dog owners. Many thanks to the Urban Dog team!"
- Brian, Michelle and Bella
"The information that you gave us was priceless. We are so grateful there are people like you out here to help us learn non-violent ways to train her. Lola loved eating her dinner out of the new Kong! It kept her busy for almost an hour! Thank you again".
- Cheryl, Mike and Lola
"There really has already been a big improvement. She often looks to me to see if it's ok to go do something questionable--it's pretty cute. Our walks are stress free, and she is soooo enjoying the fetch, chase and tug games in the backyard--so am I. All in all we both seem happier and at ease with each other. I'm so glad I picked the pit bull magazine up at PetSmart or I wouldn't have known about you. This will be a solid foundation for a great life for Betsy. I just think it's interesting...I did read about training my last 2 dogs and implemented it, and they were really good dogs, or so I thought. I also thought Betsy was a good dog before your intervention but I wanted to control her "out of control" moments. But in comparison to before Betsy seems like a different dog altogether. It doesn't seem like I'm doing that much that's different but those few things combined with the consistency seem to make such a difference in our whole dynamic. I really think it's fascinating! Thanks for all your education and patience!"
- Patti & Betsy
"I wanted to let you know how Clyde is doing. He is doing much better with other dogs! While we could always do more work with him, he is much more manageable when he sees other dogs. You may recall that when we first started with you, he would not even take treats when he saw other dogs. Now he takes treats and can be managed away from other dogs, usually quite easily. Employing your method has made teaching him new tricks/jobs so easy. I have almost run out of ideas. It is really fun for us (and I think Clyde too) finding new things to challenge him with. He almost never jumps up on people anymore and is much better about the barking at people outside. We tell him its okay and, when he stops barking, give him a treat. We would like to thank you again for all of your help. This time last year we were seriously considering giving up Clyde and now we are so happy to have such a wonderful dog".
Frank, Stephanie and Clyde
"Drayton Michaels is a master at his craft and I feel so blessed to have someone of his expertise come meet my dogs. He has given us a lot of amazing advice. I've never seen my dogs so content and quiet as they have been in the past 24 hours. I was able to do work without being bothered, and the big dogs are even learning to tolerate the baby gates! I can't ever thank you enough for coming out and working with my family. One of the things we always argued about was the "why" behind what other trainers told us to do, but you explained everything so well and so easily that we felt confident in our understanding after you left. The report only made it that much simpler to follow and remember. Our dogs are SO happy for the things you have shown us. If this is what 24 hours brings, just imagine what 24 days will be like!!!"
Mae and her dogs Mojo, Rolly, Roxy and Ziva
"I wanted to take a few minutes and thank the both of you for the work you did with us. You both were so kind and friendly and truly seemed to care about Roxy and her future with our family. If you remember, because I listened to what "everyone" told me about Roxy's behavior, and pitbulls in general, we were ready to get rid of her. I wouldn't even get her a nametag because I didn't think she would be with us for much longer. Other trainers turned her away and refused to work with her, sight unseen. I was told she was a liability, and the breeder was willing to take her back but would most likely put her down. We were desperate and I can't tell you how many times I had cried for the future of my family and this "vicious" puppy. But you guys were willing and able to work with us and we are so thankful. You showed us that Roxy is just a normal puppy. That she is not the "ferocious beast " everyone made her out to be. Roxy is doing so well. I am amazed. Your caring work has taught Roxy so much, but most importantly you have taught us to look at her differently. To see her as the sweet, lovable, goofy, NORMAL, puppy she is. I truly believe that the positive attitude we now view her with has made all the difference. My family and I thank you for showing us what a wonderful puppy we have, and Roxy thanks you for helping her have a forever home, and earning her nametag!!!"
- Karen, Fred, Kayleigh, Zachary and Roxy
"I haven't really needed much more than our initial session. I just had to do the things that you recommended to me properly and it’s been a great month of training! Mary now receives lots of compliments at the dog park thanks to you. I've been taking her there as much as possible, and she is fantastic! I’ve been meeting some really nice people lately that didn’t even know she was a Pit Bull and they came away from the meeting a little more educated. So many people tell me they never knew that Pits were into the water and that they play fetch and just act like normal dogs. I honestly think we've gotten closer from working together and I never have to yell or even raise my voice, which makes the both of us much happier! I just wish I called you a few months earlier so that I’d be even further ahead and could have spared Mary some “talking to's”. All in all we've been very happy with the results."
- Eric Doel & Mary
"We are both quite impressed with your method of training. We have a good, positive outlook on training Jake. I knew that when I decided to hire you for your services that it was me who needed the training, not Jake. I am happy to report that I feel like I am making a lot of progress using your technique. Jake and I have had the best three days ever! He is responding extremely well because I am being consistent with him. I am also making sure the rest of my family is on the same page when it comes to Jake. Dogs aren't the problem -- it's the people. I only want positive attitudes from my family when they are around Jake. I cannot thank you enough for showing me how to apply "Nothing In Life is Free" in training. I read many books but needed to be taught one-on-one. I am enjoying the experience. Jake seems quite content too. He is so much easier for me to handle because I am gaining confidence in understanding how his mind works thanks to you. I was very happy with the report I received and will follow your suggestions."
- Doreen & Rich Geiss, Jake

"We’ve started using all your suggested training tips and techniques and they are working! Sparta has responded wonderfully and picks up very fast. Thank you for giving us the great gift of knowledge about training dogs with positive methods. Our goal is to have a happy, healthy, well-balanced and behaved dog indoors and in public. We know it’s a big responsibility to be the caretaker of a Pit Bull. We are taking it very serious. We understand that we have to promote a positive image of the "pit bull" and it’s our job and our honor to do so. Sparta is our miracle dog in many ways. He has opened our eyes, our minds and most of all our hearts to this wonderful breed. I can’t thank you enough for your time, your guidance and the knowledge you passed onto us! My kids have been great they have really taken an interest in assisting with training. The pit bull breed is lucky to have someone like you!"
- Danielle Ramjit & Family, Sparta

"Reba seems like a different dog since we met with you. Walks aren't just better, they're fun for both of us now. My family and I feel even closer to our already beloved canine companion. You and your methods can't be praised enough"
- Vincent Falci & Reba
Read more testimonials about our trainers at www.UrbanDawgs.com
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